Motorcycle Accident Safety Tips


However, getting involved in a motorcycle accident doesn’t equal automatic death. There are plenty of ways to ensure you make it through a motorcycle accident with your life. Let’s look at some of them briefly. Apply Both Brakes Before Collision Motorcycles have brakes on both the front and the back wheel. The front brake is … Read more

Expert Witness Car Accident


The Witness’ Experience and Expertise The first thing to look for in an expert witness is experience and skill. The witness must have all the relevant credentials and qualifications specific to your case. They must also have a considerable amount of field experience for their expert opinion to count. The more experienced an expert is, … Read more

Sarin Exposure at Work – Chemical Exposure Lawyers


Even though stockpiles of chemical weapons are already destroyed in most countries and in the course of destruction in others, incidents involving sarin can still occur through terrorist attacks or in the process of destruction handled by governmental agents. If you ever suspect being exposed to sarin, or if you know you are in the … Read more

Bipolar Disorder & Workers Compensation


The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on Work Productivity If you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder and you believe that your working conditions have triggered it, working with your doctor and your work comp lawyer to build a strong case will be necessary to gather all the necessary evidence of causality and evaluate the impact it … Read more

Injured by Airbag in Car Accident


When a faulty airbag accident happens, you will likely suffer injuries on your face, chest, arms, neck, and back. You may also suffer internal bleeding and injuries, burns, and lacerations. 50457! That’s the number of lives saved by airbags as of  2017. Amazing, right? While this is phenomenal, faulty airbags have also caused severe injuries … Read more